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Here are even more ways that you can help the environment.  If you have other suggestions and don't see them here, just drop us a line and we'll add it to the list.


51.  A green garden doesn't mean you're GREEN.  If you live in a warm climate, like the southwest U.S., consider a rock garden or a desert-style landscape.  Such gardens require much less water and less chemicals to maintain.  Also, using local plants and minerals creates less impact on the local ecosystem.

52.  Computers need sleep too - Computers use (or waste) about 10 times more energy when you use a computer screen saver instead of putting your computer in sleep mode.  Better yet, turn it off if you won't be using it for a while.

53.  Fix that fridge!  Check the seal on your refrigerator door using this simple test:  Close the door on a dollar bill.  If you can pull it out easily, your seal is too weak, and should get it repaired.  Otherwise you may be refrigerating your whole kitchen, not just your food. The repair will also save you money on your electric bill.

54.  Be your own power plant - We love this one. Save money, save the planet, and get in shape all at the same time.  Check out

 to pick up the Human Power Generator, which is a stationary-bike-style generator that can power electric items in your home. 

55.  Drive smoothly . . .- Accelerating quickly and breaking hard can reduce gas mileage up to 33%.  Drive more smoothly and you'll not only keep the air cleaner, but you'll save money on petrol.

56.  . . .and slowly - Driving over 60 mph may increase your vehicle's gas consumption 23% when compared to cruising at 45 mph.  What's your hurry anyway?  Slow down and enjoy the view. 

57.  Say no to the bottle - When eating out in a city where you know the municipal water is safe to drink, always choose tap water instead of bottled water.  Tap water is delivered without any wasteful packaging and doesn't require the burning of fossil fuels for delivery.  Tap water never tasted so clean, wouldn't you agree?

58.  Search using GoodSearch- GoodSearch is a great new way to raise money for the Nature Initiative.  For every search made on GoodSearch for the Nature Initiative a penny is donated to our cause!  Help out now by going to our personal

and start searching!

59.  BYOMK&D- That means "Bring Your Own Mouse Keyboard and Display".  When replace your computer, don't pick up a package that includes a monitor, mouse and keyboard.  Just pick up the computer itself - the chances are your old accessories will still work with it.

60.  Sneeze green- Try using old-school handkerchiefs instead of tissues to blow your nose.  They're washable, will last years, and are quite dapper, if you ask us. 

61.  Run around the garden - Instead of picking up a new pair of slippers or work shoes for garden work, just reuse an old pair of running shoes.   

62.  Be a fan of fans - Use fans more and air conditioners less, as you can keep cool while using less electricity. 

63.  Take a spin - If a building has a revolving door be sure to use it instead of the standard door.  Revolving doors preserve the inside temperature of the building and reduce the need for heat or air conditioning.

64.  Pool time! - If you have a swimming pool, add a timer to the pool's filter.

65.  Avoid 100-year-old bulbs - Okay, so maybe you only bought those light bulbs a few months ago, but if they are regular light bulbs, they are based on 100-year-old technology that is very inefficient and wasteful.  Swap them with compact fluorescent bulbs which may be more expensive, but use 75% less electricity and last 10 times longer.  

66.  Out-smart your thermostat - Have a timer added to your thermostat so that you can have your air conditioning and heat turned down while you are away, but programed to come back on when you plan to return.

67.  Choose rechargable batteries over alkaline batteries - Alkaline batteries contain lithium, zinc, alkaline, all of which end up in a landfill and leeching into the ground.  NiMh rechargable batteries can be charged 100 times and offer much longer periods between charges than batteries from only 10 years ago.

68.  ...or go without batteries altogether - Try a hand-cranked battery or radio on for size. 

69.  The check isn't in the mail - If you run a business, consider a paperless payroll system where all paychecks are paid via direct deposit to employee bank accounts, and paystubs are emailed to employees and stored electronically for access online. 

70.  Read books of bytes, not paper - Electronic books, or e-books, do not result in tons of trees being cut down.  E-books don't require carbon-spewing trucks to ship books all around the country.  And used e-books don't clug up landfills. 

71.  Load it up - Only run your dishwasher or laundry machine when you have a full load - as a small load uses just as much energy as a full one.

72.  Fix those faucets -  A faucet leaking one drop of water per second will drip over 2,250 gallons of water down the drain over the course of a year.  Replacing a 50 cent rubber washer in your faucet could preserve so much!

73.  Move that mag - Sign up for electronic versions of your favorite magazines instead of the paper versions.  Even magazines printed on recycled paper with soy inks need carbon-spewing vehicles to get transported to your doorstep.  And anyway, some online versions are free!

74.  Here's a tip for the rock climbers out there - Use earth-toned hand chaulk to get your grip on the rock.  The usual white stuff detracts from the natural beauty of the cliffs at your crag.  Terra Firma makes a good product which is available at .

75.  Ignore fashion - Wearing clothes longer is one of the best ways to be environmentally sound.  Wear them until they wear out.  Yup, if you needed an excuse to crack out that Member's Only jacket from high school, this is it.

76.  Roll down the windows -  Your car's air conditioner kills your gas mileage. 

77.  Drop that rack -  If you aren't going to use your car's roof rack for a season (how many times do you load up that ski rack in the summer?) remove it from the car.  Removing a roof rack can increase your mileage by 5% due to increased aerodynamics and decreased weight. 

78.  Collect free water - Your tap water isn't free, but rainwater is.  And in the vast majority of areas it is very safe to drink and use for watering houseplants, etc.  Seach online for tips and tricks you can use to collect and use your rain water. 

79.  Dig - Consider drilling a well when considering water options for a property that is not on a municipal water system.  Building an extension to the municipal system is far more environmentally damaging than drilling a well in your backyard.  With today's tecnology, you won't notice any difference in your house.

80.  Aer it out -  Put an aerator attachment on your sink faucets to get maximum flow without using too much water.

81.  Buy a comforter - In the winter, try to set your thermostat to 8 degrees cooler while you sleep.  Each degree cooler will save approximately 3% in energy costs.

82.  Fix that filter - When was the last time you changed the air filter for your furnace?  Dirty filters use more energy than a clean one.  Replace your filters monthly.  Or better yet, buy washable/reusable filters and clean them monthly. 

83.  Chop down an old tree - What?  Is that a typo?  No, sustainable forestry is the way to go. Here's why:  an average tree absorbs about 1,500 lbs of CO2 in its first 55 years, after which growth slows considerably.  If left untouched, the tree will die and rot and release all of that CO2 back into the atmosphere.  Turning the tree into lumber locks up that CO2 for a far longer time.  

84.  Turn on that AC - What?  Air conditioning?  Good for the environment?  Well, yes, sometimes.  At highway speeds, using your car's air conditioner is more efficient than rolling down your windows.  The arodynamic drag caused by open windows offsets any advantage of not running the air.  At city speeds, it's the opposite - shut off the AC and roll down the windows. 

85.  Eat formally - Use cloth napkins.  Even better, pick them up used at a tag sale or at a restaurant surplus store.  Newer brands even have napkins made of bamboo or hemp. 

85.  You have enough credit cards! - Get off the lists of those credit card companies and stop getting all of those wasteful solicitations in the mail.  Go to or call (888)567-8688.